Stolen but not lost


Some assholes broke into my apartment last week while I was traveling.

My building is going through a renovation and they got into my place through the scaffolding.

It was a traumatizing experience, to say the least. 

I don't care much about the stuff that they stole. It is just stuff after all.

But it was an invasion of privacy that shook me up quite a bit.

As with any situation, I have tried to find a silver lining. 

I thought about the things I own and how much each means to me.

I remember thinking about my camera first and then all of my food props second. 

Those are the items that are valuable to me emotionally.

Luckily, I had my camera with me and the kitchenware remain untouched.

There were some pictures which I recently took that are now lost on the stolen computer. This post includes a few of them that I manage to find still on my camera. I've also recreated some new ones to replace what I lost. 

The experience has taught me a lot about what's really valuable to me.

Material things aren't that important. What really matters to me are my loved one and my passion for food photography. 

And no one can steal those away from me. 

Nusara ChinnaphasaenComment